The BFA in Dance Performance is a professionally oriented degree for students interested in a career of performing or choreographing and permits a total of 71-74 credits in the major. Admission to the BFA is by application only.
Required Courses
These are the required courses for a B.F.A. with Dance Performance Concentration. Certain substitutions may have to be made and all scheduling of classes should be discussed with an adviser.
THEA1021 - Academic and Professional Issues in Dance Credits: 1
THEA1040 - Production Crew I Credits: 0.5
THEA1200 - Introduction to Design Credits: 3
THEA1405 - Introduction to Pilates Training Credits: 1
THEA1450 - Beginning Tap Dance I Credits: 1
THEA2040 - Production Crew II Credits: 0.5
THEA2050 - Theatre Practice Credits: 1?2
THEA2160 - Stage Makeup Credits: 2
THEA2800 - Stage Lighting I Credits: 3
THEA3820 - Stage Costuming I Credits: 3
THEA2100 - Acting II Credits: 3
THEA2200 - Backgrounds of Dance Credits: 3
THEA2410 - Intermediate Ballet I Credits: 1.5
THEA2420 - Intermediate Ballet II Credits: 1.5
THEA2430 - Intermediate Modern I Credits: 1.5
THEA2440 - Intermediate Modern II Credits: 1.5
THEA2450 - Intermediate Tap I Credits: 1
THEA2480 - Intermediate Jazz I Credits: 1
THEA3021 - Foundations of Dance Pedagogy Credits: 1
THEA3100 - Kinesiology for Dance Credits: 3
THEA3410 - Adv/Intermediate Ballet I Credits: 1.5
THEA3420 - Adv/Intermediate Ballet II Credits: 1.5
THEA3430 - Adv/Intermediate Modern I Credits: 1.5
THEA3440 - Adv/Intermediate Modern II Credits: 1
THEA3480 - Adv/Intermediate Jazz I Credits: 1
THEA3490 - Advanced Jazz I Credits: 1
THEA4001 - Historical Dance Credits: 2
Plus 8 credits total in any combination of THEA 4010 and THEA 4030
THEA4010 - Advanced Ballet Credits: 1-3
THEA4030 - Advanced Modern Dance Credits: 1-3
THEA4200 - 20th Century Dance Credits: 3
THEA4250 - Beginning Dance Composition Credits: 2
THEA4260 - Intermediate Dance Composition Credits: 2?3
THEA4700 - Auditioning and Careers in Dance Credits: 1
THEA4880 - Advanced Theatre Practice
Credits: 1
THEA4880 - Advanced Theatre Practice Credits: 1?2
THEA4950 - Senior Thesis Credits: 3
THEA4960 - Senior Project Credits: 1-3
THEA4975 - Theatre/Dance Internship Credits: 1-12
LIFE 1000 Credits: 4
LIFE1010 - General Biology Credits: 4
ANTH1100 - Introduction to Biological Anthropology Credits: 4
KIN2040 - Human Anatomy Credits: 3
KIN2041 - Human Anatomy Laboratory Credits: 1
Foreign Language Credits: 8
First Aid/CPR Credits: 0
A&S Global Credits: 3
A&S Diversity Credits: 3