Our Psy.D. program in clinical psychology is firmly situated in the human science tradition with a holistic, contextualized, reflexive approach toward human beings and their problems in living. Teaching psychology from this perspective distinguishes us from many other doctoral-level programs in the nation.
Our faculty, influenced by myriad theoretical orientations, specialize in interpretive, qualitative research methodologies. The coursework exposes students to a range of perspectives in clinical practice, including:
Our program assumes that efforts to understand humans are fundamentally different than efforts to understand naturalistic phenomena. As such, they require an interpretive, meaning-focused epistemology as opposed to a causal, predictive tactic often found in psychological study. We also take a human science approach to situating experience in communal contexts, understanding people as embedded in families, communities, societies, culture, and ecosystems.
Career Opportunities
A Psy.D. in clinical psychology, like other doctoral programs in clinical psychology focused on clinical practice, prepares students for a variety of career opportunities including positions in independent practice, community clinics, medical and managed care facilities, and academic and research settings.
However, the community focus of the Psy.D. program also introduces students to concepts and provides training experiences that prepare students for career opportunities more specifically focused on community intervention, including:
Administering/directing community programs in human services, mental health, prevention, community education, health promotion, and community development
Clinical work in community programs with a community/preventive perspective
Organizational training and development, with nonprofit groups or businesses
University teaching and/or research on social/community issues
Government or philanthropic foundation research or administration on social/community issues
Administering/directing community agencies or organizations
Policy advocacy for legal/social change efforts