The master's program prepares nurses to assume roles either as nurse practitioners or as nursing and healthcare systems executive managers.
The purpose of the nurse practitioner program is to prepare competent nurse practitioners who possess knowledge, skills and abilities in physical diagnosis, psycho-social assessment and management of health-illness needs in a primary or acute care environment.
The purpose of the Nursing and Healthcare Systems Executive Management program is to prepare nurses to assume executive-level positions and senior leadership roles in hospitals, clinics, healthcare systems and other healthcare entities serving patients in highly complex and diverse settings.
The master of science degree is open to qualified students who desire advanced preparation in a variety of areas of clinical specialization and executive management.
This degree is available to qualified students who desire advanced studies.
A Master of Science (MS) degree in Nursing is offered for the following specialties: Nurse Practitioner (Adult-Gerontology Acute Care, Adult-Gerontological Primary Care, Family, Pediatric Primary Care, Psychiatric-Mental Health, and Women’s Health), and Nursing and Health Systems Executive Management.
Specialty Areas:
Family, Pediatric Primary Care, Adult-Gerontological Primary Care, Women’s Health, Psychiatric-Mental Health (Across the lifespan), and Adult-Gerontology Acute Care.
MSN Graduate Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), the graduate will have the following competencies:
Integrate and apply the scientific theories from nursing, biopsychosocial fields, physical sciences, genetics, public health, quality improvement, organizational sciences for the delivery of evidence-based nursing care, as an advanced practice nurse (APN), to diverse groups of individuals, families, communities, and populations.
Synthesize knowledge from the leadership, management, finance and organizational sciences in planning, implementing and evaluating the efficacy of delivery of advanced nursing care at the patient care level, inter-professional, and system-wide system level to patients, families, communities and populations.
Implement quality improvement and safety measures at the patient care, inter-professional and organizational levels using appropriate methods, tools, performance measures, culture of safety principles, and standards related to patient outcome quality measures.
Translate current evidence into practice by demonstrating competence and increase the knowledge base for research methodology and the research process, to design and implement evidence-based research, evaluate the merits of evidences found in the literature to guide practice, to participate in conducting original research on a multidisciplinary or nursing research team, to make decisions about the protection of human subjects in a research study, and to model and teach the staff on translational research.
Integrate current and emerging technologies to deliver timely, accurate and coordinated patient care across all settings, including virtual settings, while maintaining communication and participation of the interprofessional healthcare team, to achieve high quality patient care outcomes.
Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between legal and political determinants of delivery of health care at the local, state, national and global levels; and take an active role in promoting health, shaping health care delivery systems and advancing values such as social justice, accessibility and affordability of healthcare to all, through policy processes and advocacy.