You'd be surprised how much of what you learn and gain through studying history is applicable to finding solutions for today and the future. When you examine the past, you develop and refine important, fundamental analytical and problem-solving skills that will serve you well in your career or profession of choice.
The BA program in history focuses on American history, with coursework in European, Latin American and global historical perspectives. Faculty expertise includes the history of technology and science, biography, war and its effect on society, public history, aviation, environmental history and related fields.Students are trained in methods of historical research and study the development of human society from social, cultural and political perspectives. The capstone course and other research courses allow students to apply research and writing skills as practitioners of history and creators of analytical narratives.Students must complete a minimum of 12 upper-division credit hours of HST courses offered by the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts.Students who would like to combine this degree with teaching certification should contact the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College.