The Ed. D. program in higher education is designed for individuals interested primarily in the application of theory to practice. It is particularly appropriate for persons who aspire to administrative leadership careers.
Why Earn a Higher Education Ed.D.?
The Ed. D. program in higher education is designed for individuals interested primarily in the application of theory to practice. It is particularly appropriate for persons who aspire to administrative leadership careers in one or more of the following areas.
- Senior leadership positions in four-year colleges and universities, such as dean of students, vice president for student affairs, dean of administration, vice president for administration, vice president for development, assistant to the president, dean of continuing education and dean of a college of education.
- Senior leadership positions in two-year community colleges, junior colleges and vocational/technical institutes, such as department chair, dean of learning resource centers, chief academic affairs officer, vice president of student services, dean of business services, and president.
- Higher education middle management administrative positions in student affairs, administrative affairs, business affairs and development in all types of institutions of higher education, including such positions as director of institutional research, director of development, and director of continuing education.
- Senior administrative and staff positions in higher education coordinating and/or policy agencies in state, regional and federal government.
- Administrative leadership positions with higher education accrediting agencies, professional associations, consortia and other professional organizations.