Create important and effective messages for public speaking
Explore all aspects of digital creativity such as podcasts, videos, social media and websites
Conduct research and connect it to your communication goals and deliverables
Learn the value of research while exploring real world problems, issues and skillsets
Analyze and critique messages from diverse perspectives
The Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies is ideal for the traditional UNCW student who declares COM as their major.
It is also a great choice for those wishing to double major. It is compact and flexible which makes it ideal for transfer students and those looking to change majors.
In order to become a Communication Studies major, one must first pass through our gateway courses and declare an interest in our major. A student may declare Pre-Communication Studies (PCOM) major, through mySeaport, after earning a minimum 24 semester credit hours and a grade of "B" or above in COM 105: Introduction to Communication Studies.
A PCOM Major may declare Communication Studies (COM) major, through mySeaport, by earning a grade of "B" or above in COM 200: Research Methods. All UNCW and transfer students are subject to this gateway at the time of application.