If you are getting close to satisfying all of the requirements for your Bachelor's degree in Math with time to spare, you may be able to leave Miami with a Master's degree in Mathematics!
Miami's Mathematics Department offers a Master of Science degree in Mathematics. By carefully planning your program before or during your sophomore year, you can earn a Bachelor's degree in four years and a Master's degree in one more year. Normally, two years are required for a Master's degree after graduation with the A.B. or B.S. However, the masters can be completed in one year plus 2 summers. Up to 9 hours can double count for the graduate and the undergraduate degrees. For the graduate portion of the studies, it is possible to apply for a Graduate Assistantship that include a stipend and remission of the instructional fee. Please see this page for more information.
Combined Bachelor's and Master of Science
Program Description
The required courses in this program include a selection in both pure and applied mathematics. In addition to coursework, students write a Master’s project or thesis with the guidance of an individual faculty advisor. Up to 9 hours of graduate coursework may be double-counted toward the undergraduate degree.
This program provides strong preparation for further graduate study in mathematics as well as for careers in education, business, industry, and government.