University General Education Program (41 hours)
See Graduation from the University for the University General Education Program requirements. Note that MATH 1710, MATH 1830, MATH 1421, or MATH 1910 (Mathematics requirement) with a minimum grade of “C”, ECON 2010 and ECON 2020 (Social/Behavioral Sciences requirement) are specified for the B.B.A. degree.
Lower Division Business Core
No grade below “C-” and a minimum of 2.5 GPA in the major
To major in Accounting, a student must have earned a grade of at least “B-” in ACCT 2010.
ACCT 2010 - Financial Accounting Credit Hours: (3)
ACCT 2020 - Managerial ACCT/Non-Acct Major Credit Hours: (3) Not Required for Acct. Majors
ECON 2010 - Intro to Macroeconomics Credit Hours: (3)
ECON 2020 - Intro to Microeconomics Credit Hours: (3)
MIS 2749 - Foundation/Information Systems Credit Hours: (3)
SCMS 2610 - Introduction to Supply Chain Management Credit Hours: (3)
Take either:
SCMS 2710 - Business Analytics -Statistics Credit Hours: (3) or
MATH 1530 - Prob/Statistics/Non Calculus Credit Hours: (3)
Take one from:
MATH 1710 - College Algebra Credit Hours: (3)
MATH 1830 - Elementary Calculus Credit Hours: (3)
MATH 1910 - Calculus I Credit Hours: (4)
MATH 1421 - Honors Calculus I Credit Hours: (4)
Upper Division Business Core
No grade below “C-” and a 2.00 GPA in the following Upper Division Business Core:
ACCT 3130 - Legal/Social/Political Environ Credit Hours: (3)
FIR 3410 - Financial Management Credit Hours: (3)
MGMT 3110 - Organization and Mgmt Credit Hours: (3)
MGMT 3032 - Communication and Career Readiness for Business Professionals Credit Hours: 3
MGMT 4710 - Strategic Management Credit Hours: (3) (Registration limited to graduating seniors)
MIS 3210 - Critical Thinking Using Analytics Credit Hours: (3)
MKTG 3010 - Principles of Marketing Credit Hours: (3)
SCMS 3711 - Business Analytics - Tools Credit Hours: (3)
Choose One From the Following:
ECON 4350 - International Econ Credit Hours: (3)
ECON 4351 - International Monetary Theory/Policy Credit Hours: (3)
FIR 4550 - International Finance Credit Hours: (3)
MGMT 4510 - International Business Communication Credit Hours: (3)
MGMT 4810 - International Management Credit Hours: (3)
MIS 4310 - Global Information Technology Credit Hours: (3)
MKTG 4530 - International Marketing Credit Hours: (3)
MKTG 4550 - MKTG Business Solutions for Sustainability Credit Hours: (3)