Major Requirements
- Business core courses: 38 credit hours with grades of C or better (pass/fail grades are not permitted).
- Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 to be eligible to enroll in business courses.
- Area of specialization: a minimum of 12 credit hours with grades of C or better (pass/fail grades are not permitted). Students should declare an area of specialization before the end of their junior year. All areas of specialization must be approved in advance by the Office of Academic Programs.
Accounting (12 CREDIT HOURS)
- ACCT-340 Intermediate Accounting I (3) (3)
- ACCT-341 Intermediate Accounting II (3) (3)
- ACCT-345 Cost Accounting and Strategic Cost Management (3) (3)
- ACCT-443 Federal Income Taxation of Individuals (3) (3)
Entrepreneurship (12 CREDIT HOURS)
- MGMT-382 Entrepreneurship and Innovation (3) (3)
- MGMT-383 Entrepreneurship Business Plans: Creating and Building Ventures (3) (3)
Finance (15 CREDIT HOURS)
- FIN-468 Intermediate Corporate Finance (3) (3)
- FIN-469 Investment Analysis (3) (3)
Information systems and technology (12 CREDIT HOURS)
- ITEC-455 Business Process Analysis (3) (3)
- ITEC-470 Database and Big Data (3) (3)
Global Emerging Markets
- IBUS-350 Global Emerging Markets (3) (3)
Management (12 CREDIT HOURS)
- MGMT-381 Managing Human Capital (3) (3)
- MGMT-409 Leading High Performance Teams (3) (3)
Marketing (12 CREDIT HOURS)
- MKTG-301 Consumer Behavior (3) (3)
- MKTG-302 Marketing Research (3) (3)