The web and mobile computing major is about combining people and technology to bring out the best in both. In this web development degree students learn how to integrate the back end code with the front end user experience, and are able to do it across several languages and platforms, to impact the app design process at all levels. Students are highly valuable to employers seeking today’s most skilled application developers.
Web and mobile computing explores ubiquitous application development with a firm focus on the end user experience. Students have an interest in the technology of today (and tomorrow), but they’re also interested in how people use that technology. The web and mobile computing major is about combining people and technology to bring out the best in both.
What truly sets our graduates apart is their ability to see the world through the eyes of the user. Creating an impactful App begins with solid code and good design, but understanding user expectations is the cornerstone of that process. In the Web and mobile computing major, students learn a user-centric approach to application creation. That, coupled with a robust developer skillset, enables them to produce applications that connect with multiple users across varied environments.
The curriculum is structured with this in mind. Students learn how to integrate the back end code with the front end UI, and will be able to do it across several languages and platforms. This comprehensive knowledge enables students to impact the App design process at all levels, making them incredibly valuable to employers seeking today’s application developers. Students can also specialize on one of four areas, which provides students with the knowledge they need to pursue a professional or personal aspiration.
Plan of study
A defining aspect of the web and mobile computing curriculum is the depth of study. Students learn a wide variety of languages and platforms so that they can meet the demands of industry and the public. For example, students don’t just learn about web services, they learn how to use existing web services, how to create different types of web services, and how to do it in a variety of languages. And that’s just part of what they’ll learn in one of their courses (ISTE-341 Server Programming). After establishing this strong foundation, students can further their skills by choosing two of the following concentrations: web application development, mobile application development, geographic information systems, and wearable and ubiquitous development.
Web and Mobile Computing Degree Concentrations
Web Application Development
Want to build the next Ebay, Gmail, or Squarespace? WMC students master the skills needed to push web apps in new directions.
Data is the lifeblood of modern business. Storage, integrity, access, speed, security – learn how to manage modern data in any environment.
Mobile Application Development
Learn to write clean, efficient code in multiple languages and to design an impactful user interface on modern mobile platforms.
Wearable and Ubiquitous Development
Smart watches, the Internet of Things, and beyond – learn to integrate new and cutting edge tech into the modern world.
Project Life Cycle
Understand how the entire process works, from initial client discussions to meeting deadlines, managing risks, and producing deliverables.