The Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development and Family Science offers an interdisciplinary approach to individual and family development. Students receive the knowledge and skills needed to help individuals and families across the lifespan to flourish in a global society. The degree prepares students for a wide range of careers in diverse settings, including family and community-based social services, prevention, nonprofit administration and family and community intervention. Core coursework focuses on development across the lifespan and understanding family relationships, the environments in which individuals live and learn and the unique strengths and needs of diverse individuals and families.
The Human Development and Family Science major comprises the following concentrations:
The Case Management for Individuals and Families concentration provides training in needs assessment and the utilization of available public and private resources. Students in this concentration learn the skills necessary to understand clients' needs and goals, and develop a plan to achieve these goals with the resources and services available to them. Graduates are eligible for securing positions in a wide array of social service agencies.
The Child and Youth Development concentration prepares students for working with children and adolescents in non-school settings such as residential treatment, group care, community youth services, foster care and after-school programs. Graduates are able to design and deliver developmentally appropriate programs, preparing children and youth for productive adulthood by emphasizing skills and competency development.
The Family Life Education concentration prepares graduates to develop and implement educational programming for parents, couples and families in a variety of education and human service settings. Family life educators teach individuals and families effective communication skills, positive self-esteem, parenting skills and healthy interpersonal skills.
The Gerontology concentration prepares graduates for professional positions in the diverse field of aging, including health and wellness, community-based social services, retirement communities, adult-care centers and nursing homes.
The Human Services concentration is a completer program for students who hold an associate degree in human services. This concentration prepares graduates for entry-level positions in a variety of human service agencies, including child and family welfare agencies, mental health centers, developmental disability facilities and substance abuse treatment centers.
Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates of this program will be able to:
Identify (a) physical, cognitive, emotional and social dimensions of human development and family relationships; and (b) reciprocal influences of family, school, work and community contexts on human development.
Demonstrate an understanding of program development, delivery and evaluation and identify practical implications of human development and family relationship concepts.
Access scholarly sources and critically evaluate empirical research; demonstrate an understanding of theories, methods and principles of research; and effectively communicate ideas.
Examples of Possible Careers and Salaries
Child, family, and school social workers
Childcare workers
Clinical, counseling, and school psychologists
Community and social service specialists, all other
Counselors, all other
Family and consumer sciences teachers, postsecondary
Marriage and family therapists
Kent Campus
Salem Campus (Human Services, Family Life Education and Case Management for Individuals and Families concentrations only)
Stark Campus (Family Life Education and Gerontology concentrations only)