The BFA in Acting combines fundamental and innovative industry-focused training to prepare students for the professional world of theater and film/media acting. Taught by current industry professionals and leaders in the field, our BFA in Acting is both a nurturing and rigorous environment, offering diverse perspectives in the craft of acting and insight into a career in entertainment.
With studio classes, multiple performance opportunities, and personal attention all in the heart of New York City, our BFA program offers a unique and thrilling experience for the young actor.
In addition to the four-year sequence of major requirements, you can also take musical theater acting and film and TV acting, become certified in stage combat, or enroll in electives like playwriting or directing.
Our Los Angeles Intensive in the fourth year introduces students to the film and TV industry, and is a game-changer for those planning on moving there after graduation.
Our graduates perform on stages across the country and abroad. Many are also starting their film and TV careers. Others are creating their own work. Our graduates are also equipped with the tools on how to stay active in their careers even when they are not performing.