Psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and behavior.
Core curriculum includes courses in:
quantitative and experimental methods
cognitive processes and assessment
developmental, social and personality psychology
Students select electives in accordance with their individual interests
Professional Preparation
Coursework prepares interested students to pursue graduate work in psychology and related fields
Career Opportunities
Degrees and Preparation
Psychology offers diverse career opportunities within its many specialties.
Health psychologists help people lose weight, stop smoking or manage pain.
Neuropsychologists study relationship between the brain and behavior.
geropsychologists deal with problems faced by the elderly.
Counseling psychologists help people manage life's everyday problems.
School psychologists help resolve students' learning and behavior problems.
industrial-organizational psychologists improve productivity and the quality of work life.
Possible positions with a bachelor's degree:
health care
Graduates with advanced degrees pursue careers as:
Master’s degrees will qualify jobseekers for positions in research, education and social services.
Doctoral degrees prepare individuals to become:
licensed clinical or counseling psychologists
college and university faculty and researchers