A joint major (eighteen courses/72 points) is offered by the Departments of Economics and Mathematics. In the economics department, joint majors with mathematics must follow the theory concentration. Nine courses must be taken from each department. A grade of C or better is necessary in all courses used to fulfill joint major requirements; courses graded Pass/Fail do not count. Interested students should consult with the directors of undergraduate studies in both departments for additional information.
The economics requirements (nine courses/36 points) are as follows:
Introduction to Macroeconomics (ECON-UA 1)
Introduction to Microeconomics (ECON-UA 2)
Microeconomic Analysis (ECON-UA 11)
Macroeconomic Analysis (ECON-UA 13)
Analytical Statistics (ECON-UA 20) or Mathematical Statistics (MATH-UA 234); students taking the MATH-UA 234 option must complete one additional ECON-UA elective (four total).
Introduction to Econometrics (ECON-UA 266)
Plus any three economics elective courses, at least two of which must be theory electives numbered ECON-UA 300-399.
Of the nine mathematics courses (36 points), the following five are required (note that students must choose one calculus track or the other and cannot mix courses from the two tracks; note further that the Mathematics for Economics sequence is the preferred sequence for this joint major):
Mathematics for Economics I (MATH-UA 131; formerly MATH-UA 211) or Calculus I (MATH-UA 121)
Mathematics for Economics II (MATH-UA 132; formerly MATH-UA 212) or Calculus II (MATH-UA 122)
Mathematics for Economics III (MATH-UA 133; formerly MATH-UA 213) or Calculus III (MATH-UA 123) or Honors Calculus III (MATH-UA 129)
Linear Algebra (MATH-UA 140) or Honors Linear Algebra (MATH-UA 148)
Analysis (MATH-UA 325) or Honors Analysis I (MATH-UA 328)