English (BAS)
This Professional Studies Degree is designed to meet the special demands of adult learners.
Professional Studies
PRST 2301 - Lifelong Learning (S-L) - 3
Fine Arts
FINE 1306 - Introduction to Fine Arts - 3
Foreign Language
*Six hours at the 2000 level if adequate requisites are met.
History - 6
Choose two:
HIST 1301 - U.S. History to 1865
HIST 1302 - U.S. History Since 1865
HIST 2301 - World Civilization I
HIST 2302 - World Civilization II
Kinesiology - 2
KNES 1101 - Fitness for Living
and one additional activity course (KNES 1102-1122); for veterans or those 25 years of age or older prior to enrollment at DBU, KNES courses are waived.
Mathematics - 3
Choose one:
MATH 1301 - Math for Liberal Arts
MATH 1303 - College Algebra
MATH 1307 - Finite Math for Business Analysis
MATH 1308 - Calculus for Business Analysis
MATH 1405 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
Natural Science (1000 or 2000 level courses only)
One Laboratory Science from Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Geology, Physical Science, or Physics. - 4
Religion - 12
RELI 1301 - Old Testament Survey
RELI 1302 - New Testament Survey
plus 6 additional RELI hours
If 30-59 total hours are transferred at the time of initial enrollment at DBU, 3 of the additional RELI hours will be waived.
If 60 or more total hours are transferred at the time of initial enrollment at DBU, 6 of the additional RELI hours will be waived.
Social Science (1000 or 2000 level courses only) - 6
POLS 2301 - American National Government
and an additional three credit hours may be selected from Economics, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology.
English Major - 36
ENGL 1301 - Composition and Rhetoric I
ENGL 1302 - Composition and Rhetoric II
ENGL 2301 - World Literature I
ENGL 2302 - World Literature II
ENGL 3301 - American Literature I or
ENGL 3302 - American Literature II
ENGL 3305 - Advanced Written Communication (S-L)
ENGL 3313 - British Literature I or
ENGL 3314 - British Literature II
ENGL 4301 - Introduction to Linguistics or
ENGL 4319 - Introduction to Literary Theory
And another 4000-level English course.
The remaining 9 hours will be chosen from UL English course offerings.
Minimum of 12 credit hours in major in residence at Dallas Baptist University, 9 credit hours of which must be upper-level.
Total Credit Hours Required - 120