In the State of NJ, all teachers are required to complete a BA or BS in a content area. Education is not considered to be a major. At Fairleigh Dickinson, it is considered to be a “concentration”.
Candidates in the QUEST program may major in a variety of different areas including:
Creative Writing
English Language and Literature
International Studies
Mathematics (BA of BS)
Political Science
Science (BS – Metro only)
Theater (Florham only)
For those interested in our Dual Certification Program, Special Education is a “second certificate” in the State of NJ. Teachers must first (or concurrently) earn their elementary certificate.
Program Outline
Students must complete 120 credits (FOR STUDENTS ENTERING FALL 2015) for a B.A. or B.S. in a liberal arts or science major appropriate for the area of teacher certification. This includes at least 30 credits in education courses required for elementary or secondary certification — of which a maximum of 15 credits may be applied as dual undergraduate and graduate credit to both the B.A./B.S. and M.A.T. degrees — plus 15 credits in graduate-level educational methodology courses.