Veterinary medicine is a rewarding field for anyone who loves animals. The medical science involved can be challenging, though, as can the overall cost of your education. That’s why many students choose to get started with the Associate’s degree program at Butler. You can take advantage of Butler’s small-class personal instruction to get a firm grasp of the math and science that is critical to a solid pre-veterinarian foundation, and significantly reduce the overall cost of your education.
The course of study integrates classes from our other agriculture programs and gives you an exposure to everything from the use of microcomputer technology in agribusiness management to the fundamental principles of livestock nutrition.
And here’s another reason to consider Butler. With the current shortage of large animal veterinarians, you may want to consider an emphasis on this specialty. Our numerous national championship performances in livestock judging competitions recommend our program as a great introduction to large animal care for students who want to work in rural practices.