Broward College is the affordable route to gain entry in the field of dentistry. We let you decide what kind of dental care professional you want to be by allowing you to:
- Earn an Applied Technical Diploma (ATD) in Dental Assisting
- Continue your education and earn an Associate of Science Degree in Dental Assisting
As certified members of the dental team, dental assistants provide a wide range of services drawing on knowledge of the dental sciences, specialized, clinically-honed skills and proficiency in office management procedures.
Career Path
Attending and graduating Broward College’s Dental Assisting Program gives the dental assistant several different career pathways, from private practice dental offices to the armed forces and public health. Many hospitals have incorporated dental clinics within their institutions to provide dentistry for patients who are confined to the hospital or for outpatient services to patients with specific disease. After earning the Applied Technical Diploma (ATD) in Dental Assisting, the dental assistant can work in a dental office performing all the dental assisting expanded functions outlined by the Florida Board of Dentistry. The CODA accredited, DANB certified dental assistant can also decide to earn the Associate of Science Degree in Dental Assisting or Dental Hygiene.