The Department of Anthropology offers a Master of Arts degree in Anthropology with the purpose of training students as competent practicing anthropologists to understand and address issues of social inequality using anthropological theory and methods.
Focus areas include community development, cultural heritage and identity, museum studies, health and health equity, environmental anthropology, food justice, economic and social behavior, and humanitarianism. Each student will plan his or her program in consultation with his or her major advisor.
A concentration is also available in Medical Anthropology. The concentration in Medical Anthropology involves the application of theories and methods in medical anthropology to better understand and address health disparities, health risks, and healthcare systems.
Program objectives are that students will: (a) demonstrate advanced comprehension of the holistic conceptual, theoretical and methodological foundations of anthropology; (b) enhance and apply critical analysis and independent thought in relation to core constructs, theories, and methods in anthropological works; (c) conceptualize, design, and implement research on significant anthropological problems for building and strengthening community wellbeing and quality of life; (d) enhance written and oral communication of Anthropological themes and topics; and (e) implement professional training and career opportunities in Anthropology through participation in professional activities such as conference presentations, certification, workshops, and related activities.