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A career in sports management is both challenging and exciting. Students will learn many operational, financial, marketing, and legal skills required for many management roles at the same time as developing specific and detailed knowledge of complex and contemporary developments in national and global sport.Your first year will provide a strong foundation in sports business practice, with particular attention to understanding the sports industry, key sports marketing principles and fan and consumer behaviour. From here the programme will advance your knowledge and skills development by focusing on sports-specific organisation management, legal issues in sports governance, entrepreneurship, before the final year teaches you how to engage with contemporary issues in sports management and build specific strategic management competencies.This degree programme explores the world of sports business, including finance, marketing and law, as well as best practice in people management and the planning of major sporting events, such as Olympic Games and World Cups. BA (Hons) Sports Management will explore the vast global sports industry and use modern and historical examples of good and bad practice from the industry to add context and further understanding to your studies. As with many of UCFB’s degree programmes, the course will be underpinned by seminars, lectures, guest speaker sessions and work experience opportunities with a raft of leading industry partners, from national governing bodies to clubs and brands.