Motorcycling and Motorcycle Sport remains very popular internationally and is a fantastic way to study engineering for those with a passion for motorcycles. The synergy between traditional engineering and modern computer-aided simulation built into our Motorcycle programmes provides the student with state-of-the-art engineering skills and the chance to apply their skills practically with motorcycles on real roads and circuits.
The University has recently invested heavily in its engineering facilities and new campus. As a student on our Motorcycle Engineering programme, you will have access to our specific motorcycle workshops, engine diagnostic laboratories, chassis dynamometers, hybrid powertrain facilities and our extensive fabrication and machining facilities.
You will learn to develop your fundamental physics and engineering skills in a contextualised way through the development of the motorcycle, its geometry and suspension and the development of the engine as we move to sustainable fuels and advanced battery technology.
The University has long-standing relationships with the motorcycle industry on an international level and maintains regular contact with key players in terms of our programme development. Our engagement with the industry and our IMechE accreditation helps to maintain academic rigour with our engineering passion.
The degree programme is well connected to the industry with direct links to teams in MotoGP, Moto2 and World SuperSport.
Our academic staff work at the highest level of motorcycle sport.