Pathway + Grado

Mathematics with Business BSc (Hons)

Reino Unido

¿Qué aprenderé?

This degree combines the study of mathematics and statistics with the study of the major processes of business management, with specialist modules delivered by Newcastle University Business School.

Course overview

It equips you with the knowledge and skills to apply mathematics and statistics in the business world.

You spend two-thirds of your time studying mathematics and statistics, and have the flexibility to tailor the combination of mathematics and statistics content to suit your interests.

You also spend one-third of your time studying management, with topics including:

  • general management theory and practice
  • interpreting company accounts
  • human resource management
  • ethics and corporate governance

Professional accreditation

Our degrees are accredited by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA). IMA accreditation means our degrees meet, in part, the educational requirements for the Chartered Mathematician (CMath) designation, with some additional study or experience required.

Your future

Mathematicians and statisticians have always been highly valued by employers for their analytical and problem-solving skills, and their ability to think logically and quantitatively.

You'll also develop key skills which are essential for the employment market such as communication, teamwork, planning, and organisation.

There are some careers for which a degree in mathematics is usually required, for example, teaching mathematics, statistical work, actuarial work, some research and development, and some areas of computing.

Mathematics graduates are also strong candidates in sectors such as:

  • management consultancy
  • finance
  • accountancy
  • information technology
  • logistics
  • transportation

Careers support

Our award-winning Careers Service is one of the largest and best in the country, and we have strong links with employers. We provide an extensive range of opportunities to all students through our ncl+ initiative.

¿En cuál departamento estoy?

School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics

Opciones de estudio

a tiempo completo (3 )

Costos de estudio
Información no disponible

Por favor, consulte a la institución

Fecha de inicio

Septiembre 2025


Main Site (Newcastle)

King's Gate,

Newcastle upon Tyne,



Puede haber diferentes requisitos de IELTS en función del curso elegido.

Opciones de Pathways

Ofrecidos por otras alianzas

Esta universidad acepta cursos de Pathways de
  • INTO Newcastle University

Acerca de Newcastle University

"Newcastle University ofrece una calificación respetada internacionalmente y una tasa de empleo de graduados del 94 por ciento".

  • Campus histórico con modernas instalaciones
  • 9 Becas Nacionales de Enseñanza otorgadas entre el personal
  • Becas y subvenciones disponibles
  • Tasa de oferta más alta de las universidades del Grupo Russell

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