A research degree from Edinburgh is your chance to connect with internationally renowned researchers and innovators and to experience one of Europe's leading universities in one of the world’s most iconic cities. We carry out world-class research and provide high quality training in research skills.
We ranked 1st in the UK for research power in Engineering in the UK-wide Research Excellence Framework exercise in 2014, as part of a joint submission with Heriot-Watt University. The exercise also classified our research as internationally excellent or world-leading. Our facilities, grant income, awards and prizes are rated as internationally excellent and more than 94% of our research papers are published in high-impact, world-leading scientific journals.
Training and support
You will carry out independent research resulting in an original contribution to knowledge in your chosen area, guided by your supervisor. You will submit a thesis and defend it in an assessed oral exam.
Alongside this research, all our researchers are offered training that is an integral part of our research degrees. You will gain skills that will serve you for the rest of your life, making you a more confident and knowledgeable person, and equipping you in both technical and soft skills.
This training includes our induction days, annual research conference, and a residential training in the Scottish Highlands. These are combined with a range of targeted training on topics such as research methods, analytical skills, technical writing, communication, project management, and networking. Our PhD researchers are expected to present their research at conferences and in international journal papers during the course of their programme.