The East European Studies MRes provides area-specific, language-oriented, advanced research training in the methodologies and approaches of economics, politics, sociology, history, culture and literature. The MRes offers two pathways: social sciences, and arts and humanities, enabling students to tailor the programme to suit their own experience and interests. Students develop generic research skills, interdisciplinary and discipline -specific research skills, area-specific research skills and language skills oriented towards carrying out research in the region. The programme produces multidisciplinary researchers specialised in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, with language proficiency and cultural, historical and institutional awareness.
With their specialist knowledge and language skills, SSEES Master's graduates can be found in business, finance, the media, international agencies, charities, diplomacy, international security organisations, the law, and academia.
Graduates of the programme will possess the attributes to complete a PhD within three years or to enter the labour market directly with advanced analytical and research skills, regional expertise and proficiency in a language of the area. The rigorous exams we set for our language courses mean that potential employers or prospective PhD supervisors will know that our graduates can work effectively with the languages they have studied. Internship opportunities and excellent links with other universities in the region as well as suite of leading events and research seminars complement your studies.