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Do you see yourself working in a business environment? This degree will provide you with a strong knowledge base, skills and competencies to form a foundation from which managerial expertise can develop throughout your working life. The University of Stirling Management School has been awarded a Bronze Charter by the Small Business Charter in recognition of its active participation in supporting local economies through its work with start- ups and small businesses. Stirling Management School is committed to a research-led approach in all of its activities with all of our outputs being rated at an international level, and an impressive proportion deemed to be world leading. The Business Studies degree is highly rated. Our teaching staff are active in various areas of current management research. Research, therefore, informs their teaching, making it relevant to current debates within business. Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour. During this course you will investigate how and why humans (and other animals) behave in the ways they do, and learn about the mental processes driving these behaviours. As you’ll discover, Psychology is a very broad subject, covering such diverse areas as brain function, perceiving the world and even the social interactions in a football crowd. Psychology at Stirling is internationally renowned for research and this feeds into teaching. In our taught modules, you learn of the importance of research in furthering the understanding of behaviour and, in practical work, develop research skills of your own. Semesters 1 – 2 comprise an introduction to psychology as a biological and behavioural science including: Developmental Psychology; Brain and Behaviour; Language and Thinking; Animal Behaviour; Clinical and Abnormal Psychology; Social Psychology and Cognitive Psychology. Other modules on this course may include: Research Methods, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Individual Differences, Cognition, Animal Behaviour and Clinical and Health Psychology. In the final year of our Single Honours Programme, as well as an individual research project, you will choose from a wide variety of electives that are designed to allow you to explore topics that interest you and build your employability skills. Teaching is by workshops, small discussion groups and practical sessions such as laboratory work or field work. There are opportunities for placements with prospective employers and fieldwork in the study of animal behaviour. At the end of your final year, you will do an independent research project based in the real world and often with a practical value. Here at Stirling you will become an active learner and work with staff as collaborators. Our programme is designed to ensure you are attractive to employers and to enhance and develop your potential in the competitive job market. With its focus on behaviour and mind, Psychology links naturally with other disciplines such as Biology, Philosophy and Sociology. It also integrates with subjects valued in the workplace, such as Business Studies, Marketing and Human Resource Management.