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The hospitality sector employs 3.2 million people, representing 10% of all employment, 6% of businesses, and 5% of GDP, and yet the sector is continually unlocking its full potential as one of the biggest engines for growth in the economy. 2020 was a difficult year, with an uptick in 2021 and 2022 moving forward, consumers remain as eager as ever to visit hospitality venues, and the economy will look to the hospitality sector to spearhead the UK’s economic revival as the pandemic ends.The structure of this course enables an understanding and evaluation of business concepts of management, whilst preparing graduates for the hospitality sector through the extensive use of contemporary case studies, guest speakers and off-site visits. This synthesis allows students to develop their knowledge whilst gaining commercial awareness and expertise within the industry.The extended degree course has been specifically designed to ensure that candidates gain the skills needed to succeed at degree level.For students who do not meet our standard entry requirements for admission to one of our undergraduate degree courses, ARU London offers the option of an extended four-year degree course.Modules help to develop skills in writing assignments, mathematics, computing, public speaking and presenting, whilst developing an understanding of the modern business world. Prospective students should expect to undertake significant amounts of reading and independent study outside of the classroom (approximately 12 hours per week during term time).This course has particular appeal for candidates who want a change in career and candidates wanting to return to education. Our innovative courses ensure that what you learn can be practically applied to the business world as well as preparing you to tackle the academic workload of a full degree course.