This is an advanced nationally recognised qualification for medical practitioners who staff rural and provincial hospitals. These doctors require broad based specific skills, which may extend beyond that of rural general practice.
Papers in the diploma contribute towards the RNZCGP Rural Hospital Medicine Training Programme.
The Diploma is not only aimed at registrars in this programme but is open to all generalist doctors working in rural and provincial hospitals, whether or not they are vocationally registered in rural hospital medicine.
The Postgraduate Diploma in Rural and Provincial Hospital Practice (PGDipRPHP) is also available through Distance Learning.
Structure of the Programme
a. The programme of study shall comprise papers to the value of at least 120 points GENA 724 (15 points) and papers worth at least 60 points from the Core Papers in the Schedule, and further approved papers (up to 45 points) normally selected from the Elective Papers in the Schedule.
b. With the approval of the Dean of the Otago Medical School, a candidate may substitute for up to 45 points appropriate papers offered by another university or examining body.
c. With the approval of the Dean of the Otago Medical School, a candidate may be exempt from up to 15 points for work previously satisfactorily completed for a relevant course of study.
d. A candidate who has completed the requirements for the Postgraduate Certificate in Rural and Provincial Hospital Practice shall be exempted from those papers in the programme for the diploma which have been previously passed for the certificate.
Note: Students should normally enrol initially for the Postgraduate Certificate programme before proceeding to the diploma.