UCOL's new Bachelor of Social Services will provide you with specialist knowledge and skills to gain employment in a variety of areas such as community/social services worker, disability support advocate/worker, mental health advocate/support worker, navigator or case manager.
Working with people is a core component of this programme and this course will give you an understanding of how social and community dynamics can impact on individuals, families and groups of people. The programme will provide you with learning opportunities that include face to face, simulation/role play, group work and work experience. At the end of the programme you will have the confidence to work in the community to create change.
Career & Study Outcomes
- Social Service agencies
- Community agencies
- Mental Health and addiction agencies
- Local and Regional Councils
- Whanau Ora agencies
- Government agencies
- Employment overseas
Course Information
Note: As a subsidiary of Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology,11 UCOL is committed to providing the best learning outcome for you. As part of this, all programmes are currently being reviewed to make them portable, consistent, and closely aligned with the needs of the industry. When published, this course information is correct, but the courses offered may change over time.
This programme consist of 360 credits. The courses includes:
- Personal and Academic Effectiveness (15 Credits)
- Cultural Competence I (15 Credits)
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Ethics and Law (30 Credits)
- Applied Communication 1 (15 Credits, 25 hours work experiences)
- Human Development (15 Credits)
- The Primary & Community Care Workforce (15 Credits)
- Diversity and Social Inclusion (15 Credits)
- Applied Communication II (15 Credits)
- Safe and Ethical Practitioner (15 Credits)
- Research for Social Services (15 Credits)
- Addictions, Substance Use and Co-existing Problems (15 Credits)
- Cultural Competence II (15 Credits, 24 hours work experience)
- Theory for Practice I (choice of Social Services, Mental Health, Addiction or Disability Support) (15 Credits)
- Integrated Practice I (choice of Social Services, Mental Health, Addiction or Disability Support) (30 Credits, 150 hours work experience)
- Communicating with Families/Whanau and Communities (15 Credits)
- Applied Social Issues and Social Policy (15 Credits)
- Socially Responsible Leadership (15 Credits, 50 hours work experience)
- Practitioner Inquiry (choice of Social Services, Mental Health, Addiction or Disability Support) (15 Credits)
- Theory for Practice II (choice of Social Services, Mental Health, Addiction or Disability Support) (30 Credits)
- Integrated Practice II (choice of Social Services, Mental Health, Addiction or Disability Support) (30 Credits, 200 work experience hours)