The Faculty of Science boasts a long history of excellence in basic research and a team of outstanding scholars from around the world with a wide range of research expertise. Our goal is to perform research at the highest international level in areas that are at the frontiers of science. We place emphasis on areas of high international interest, with the goal of making an impact in problems of major significance. International collaboration is now the norm in the Faculty of Science.
The Faculty brings together one school and five departments in the areas of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics and Actuarial Sciences and three research centres: Centre of Theoretical and Computational Physics, Institute of Mathematical Research, and Swire Institute of Marine Science. The Faculty of Science also hosts three Areas of Excellence: Theory, Modelling and Simulation of Emerging Electronics; Institute of Molecular Functional Materials; and Chemical Biology Approach to Molecular Medicine. We also have a State Key Laboratory in Synthetic Chemistry and a large-scale Theme-based Research Scheme project on Challenges in Organic Photo-Voltaics and Light Emitting Diodes.
The Faculty has many affiliations with external organisations within Hong Kong and further afield. In addition, members of the Faculty have extensive research interactions with the Government and industry sectors.
The Faculty has some of the best-equipped and modern research laboratories available within the region, and its research facilities are excellent. Students also enjoy access to the University’s world-class library facilities.
The Faculty attracts a significant portion of the total research funds awarded to the University from the Research Grants Council (RGC), for example, the General Research Fund, Collaborative Research Fund, NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme, Theme-based Research Scheme, and Areas of Excellence Scheme. In addition to such research income, the Faculty also has a large number of research contracts and funding from a variety of sources.
The Faculty currently has over 500 research students from more than 20 countries, including Armenia, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Korea, Mainland China, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Venezuela.