The Ph.D. program is managed by the Ph.D. program committee who are responsible for: maintaining consistency in the requirements for individual candidates, approving the candidate's progress through various milestones, handling disputes that may arise, and acting as chairs and examiners when needed. The Ph.D. program committee is appointed by the School Director. The Ph.D. program committee reports annually to the Director on the progress of each Ph.D. student.
Ph.D. Supervising Committee
All candidates are under the direction of a supervising committee consisting of two faculty members and the supervisor or the co-supervisors. At most one of the committee members may be from outside the School. The candidate obtains a supervisor during the first month of the PhD program. A research topic is agreed to by the candidate and the supervisor.
The candidate and supervisor agree on possible members of the supervisory committee whom they invite to serve. When a willing committee has been formed, its make-up is sent to the Ph.D. program committee for approval. The supervisory committee should be selected and approved within the first two months of the program. The supervisory committee can be changed at any time at the request of the student with the concurrence of the Ph.D. program committee.
The Ph.D. program committee appoints one of its members to act as the liaison between the supervisory committee and the School. This person is available to advise the candidate and supervisory committee on School procedures and to mediate disputes within the supervisory committee.
The supervisor directs the candidate's day-to-day work and acts as primary resource for the candidate. The other members act as a secondary resource. The supervisory committee must approve the breadth requirements and research topic proposal documents before they are submitted to the PhD committee. The supervisory committee normally meets frequently with the candidate. Three times a year it reports on the candidate's progress to the Ph.D. program committee.