George Brown College offers the only four-year Culinary Management honours bachelor's degree in Canada. With the continuing growth of the culinary and food industry, there is a need for professionals who can marry detailed gastronomic knowledge, advanced management skills and the level of business acumen required to work in modern Canadian kitchens and food companies.
H316 is a bridge pathway into the H315 Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Culinary Management) program, specifically designed for graduates of Culinary Management diploma programs. Graduates of these diploma programs may be eligible to enter the third year of the degree upon successful completion of six bridge courses.
The Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Culinary Management) meets industry demand by preparing students with the depth and breadth of knowledge commensurate with an honours level, undergraduate commerce degree specializing in culinary management. Combining commerce, food studies and externship experiences, this degree program prepares graduates for kitchen, operations management or food development positions. Throughout our culinary management degree, students will gain an understanding of eight key areas:
- Culinary Proficiency
- Culinary Theory
- Accounting and Finance
- Marketing and Communications
- Human Resources and Risk Management
- Specialized Business
- Research
- General Knowledge (Liberal Studies)
Take part in a unique and robust externship. George Brown works with employers and industry partners to identify potential work experience opportunities. Students are also strongly encouraged to pursue self-directed industry work experience opportunities they believe will provide the learning experiences they value and meet the learning outcomes of the program. This valuable work experience can be added to your resume.
In addition to more formal on-the-job work experience, George Brown College endeavours to provide learning opportunities with real-world challenges and clients.
Future Study Options
Graduates of this program will be prepared to continue their studies post-degree in master's programs in the fields of Business, Gastronomy and Environmental Studies. Graduates may also be eligible for direct entry into the Culinary Arts – Italian and French pastry programs.