The Bachelor of Social Science allows students to cover the fundamentals of the social sciences. In addition, it is an excellent springboard to studies in law or education.
This program is offered in English and in French.
A maximum of 45 course units can be taken at the 1000 level.
Basic skills
ENG 1100 Workshop in Essay Writing 3 Units
ENG 1120 Selected Topics in Literature and Composition 3 Units
Total: 6 Units
Compulsory courses
SCS 1150 Introduction to Studying the Social Sciences 3 Units
SCS 1160 History of Ideas in Social Sciences 3 Units
SCS 2150 Introduction to Methodology in the Social Sciences
Optional courses
Three groups of 18 course units including at least two groups in the following list of Social Sciences programs: Anthropology (ANT), Criminology (CRM), Economics (ECO), Women's Studies (FEM), Public Administration (PAP), Political Science (POL), Psychology (PSY), Sociology (SOC) 1
Elective courses
Any combination of options and elective course units