Camosun graduates make a difference - locally and globally. Advance your tourism and hospitality career.
Build relevant applied practical skills in hotel operations, restaurant management, and integrated event management as well as a solid grounding in practical business skills.
Service and sustainability
Core themes of this program include sustainability, service management, entrepreneurship and cross cultural diversity including an Indigenous worldview, this will allow you to better examine both tourism and hospitality through a global lens.
After graduation
Camosun College is well-recognized for excellence in hospitality education with a strong history of combining the practical and applied skills necessary for graduates to be in demand in the workforce with the theoretical knowledge to understand the industry on a global scale.
This program is designed to build on your bachelor’s degree, adding career-specific training that will open a wide range of tourism and hospitality employment opportunities.
What to expect
The program consists of 15 courses and a 4-month internship starting in the Fall or Winter term. Program courses are delivered using face-to-face instruction.