ACS in Information Technology Programmer-Analyst




¿Qué aprenderé?

Process and decipher programming codes and bring out the analyst in you with the Information Technology Programmer-Analyst ACS program. Get qualified as a programming and analysis expert by meeting user needs, modeling data and managing network applications. Youll then be ready for CompTIA A, Microsoft MCSD or Oracle OCA certification. Learn to identify, collect and analyze data on users information processing needs, to model and process data with fourth generation software, and to manage and configure network applications in LaSalle College Montreal's Information Technology Programmer-Analyst program (ACS). Attain language proficiency for scalable software solutions.Develop problem-solving abilities for complex issues, algorithmic solutions.Enhance methodologies for reliable software.Gain practical skills in testing, debugging, ensuring system performance.

¿En cuál departamento estoy?

International School of Business and Technologies

Opciones de estudio

a tiempo completo (1650 horas)

Costos de estudio
Please contact the provider.

*El precio que se muestra es una referencia, por favor verificar con la institución

Fecha de inicio

Esperado Enero 2026


College LaSalle Montreal

2000 Sainte-Catherine Street West,


Quebec (QC),

H3H 2T2, Canada

Requerimiento de entrada

Para estudiantes internacionales

To be eligible for acceptance into an ACS program, applicants are generally required to meet one of the following criteria:

Have computer skills that are deemed sufficient; and

Have interrupted their full-time studies for at least two (2) consecutive semesters or one (1) full school year; or

Have followed post-secondary studies for a period of at least one (1) year; or

Have a Secondary School Diploma (DES) or a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS), and the program allows them to receive a technical training that is not available in a DCS program; or

Have an equivalent education or an instruction deemed sufficient and meet the admission criteria set for college studies.

English language requirement:

IELTS Academic: 6.5 written At least 6 for the other components

TOEFL (iBT): 24 written At least 18 for the other components

Cambridge: 170 written At least 170 in the other components


Puede haber diferentes requisitos de IELTS en función del curso elegido.


Acerca de LaSalle College Montreal

LaSalle College de Montréal es la mejor opción para estudiantes internacionales creativos y emprendedores para convertirlos en ciudadanos integrales.

  • Ambiente inclusivo, acogedor y dinámico
  • Educación práctica para el emprendimiento y la creatividad
  • Campus ubicado en un punto de acceso al diseño integral
  • Servicios integrales de carrera y prácticas exclusivas

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