Introduces you to the physiological, psychological, social and cultural elements involved in health care, and provides the foundation for further studies in a health-related degree program at UniSA.
Study with confidence in small class sizes and personalised teaching methods
Dedicated academic and personal support services to assist with your success
Student leadership opportunities to grow your skills further
Diploma Structure
Tertiary Preparation
Language for Study
Mathematics for Study
Stage 1
Essential Study Skills
Information and New Media Technologies
Communication, People, Place and Culture
Academic Research and Critical Enquiry
Human Physiology Fundamentals
Human Biology
Maths & Statistics
Stage 2
Human Physiology 1
Aboriginal Health: Culture, Community and Country
Introduction to Public Health
Applied Psychology
Global and National Health
Human Anatomy
Quantitative Methods in Health
Human Physiology 2
Career Outcomes
Depending on your chosen UniSA specialisation, your career options can include:
Aged and rehabilitative care
Primary health and community support services
Mental health services
International aid agencies
Home care
Rural and remote health care
Infectious disease services
Academia and research